The American Friends of Marbach, with the generous support of the Max Kade Foundation, are able to award summer dissertation fellowships of $4,000 each to Ph.D. candidates from American universities doing research in the field of German Studies at the DLA. In addition, we encourage applications from Ph.D. candidates working on digital humanities projects that would benefit from time spent at the DLA.
These grants are meant to be taken over the summer break. All grantees benefit from the excellent services that the DLA provides to researchers. Researchers can also participate in a weekly “Stipendiaten-Café,” where international stipend-holders and fellow humanists have the opportunity to network and present their work to one another. Depending on availability, the well-appointed Collegienhaus on the grounds of the DLA offers an excellent option for lodging.
Please submit a 1-2 page project description which should include a brief statement about the relevance of the holdings at the DLA for the project, a current C.V. and arrange for one letter of recommendation from the dissertation advisor to be sent to Prof. Lynn Wolff ( by February 15, 2024.
The AFM Awards Committee will review all submissions received by the deadline and decisions will be announced by March 1.
Current Fellows
AFM Dissertation Summer Grant
Alexander Braunegg, Co-Opting Ernst Jünger: The Literary Metapolitics of the German New Right (New York University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Isabel Avens (Choinowski), Subversive Visualities and Physiognomic Play: Puppets and Photography in the Work of Dadaist Hannah Höch (Cornell University)
Varol Kahveci, Rethinking Heimat: The Poetics and Politics of Heimat between 19th Century Orientalism and Contemporary Literature of Migration (Columbia University)
Theresa Kauder, Post-romanticism in Peter Handke and Wim Wenders (Yale University)
Fellowship Sponsors
AFM Fellowships are made possible by the generous support of the Max Kade Foundation in New York, David Detjen, the American Friends of Marbach, and the generous donations of the following individuals to the Egon Schwarz Grant fund.
Adelson, Leslie Adler, Hans Aksin, Jocelyn Anderson, Susan Beals, Kurt Boehler, Michael Boehm, Philip Brandt, Bettina Burgard, Peter Byrd, Vance Chisholm, David Chronister, Necia Corngold, Stanley Dowden, Stephen Eigler, Friederike Fetz, Gerald Finger, Anke Fleming, Paul Fore, Devin Frederiksen, Elke Grimm, Erk Handelman, Matthew Hanssen, Paula Haque, Kamaal Haubenreich, Jacob Helfer, Martha Hempel-Lamer, Nele High, Jeff Hinderer, Walter
Hoeyng, Peter Hohendahl, Peter Hopkins, Leroy Huyssen, Andreas Johnson, Laurie Kirby, Rachel Kniesche, Thomas Kolb, Jocelyne Kontje, Todd Langston, Richard Levine, Michael Lindgren-Schwarz, Irene Liu, Holly Lubich, Frederick Lützeler, Paul Michael Malakaj, Ervin Mathaes, Alex McBride, Patricia McGaughey, Sarah McGlothlin, Erin Mieder, Wolfgang Moltke, Johannes von Morris, Leslie Naqvi, Fatima Niekerk, Carl Pizer, John Prager, Brad Rabinbach, Anson Rectanus, Mark
Rennert, Hal Rinner, Susanne Roche, Mark Rotaru, Arina Rumold, Rainer Ryan, Judith Schreckenberger, Helga Seyhan, Azade Shafi, Monika Shen, Qinna Tatlock, Lynne Trommler, Frank Vaget, Hans Vansant, Jacqueline Weissberg, Liliane Weist, Caroline Wellbery, Caroline Wellbery, David Weninger, Christl Weninger, Robert Werner, Meike Wetters, Kirk Wogenstein, Sebastian Wolff, Lynn Zipes, Jack Zipser, Richard
Samantha C. Grayck, The Ineluctable Space Between: German-Jewish Women’s 20th Century Life Writing (Department of German, Georgetown University)
Egon Schwarz Summer Research Grant
Arielle Friend, The Play of Loss: Childhood in Psychoanalysis and the Poetics of the Nachkriegszeit (Department of Germanic, Russian, and East European Languages and Literatures, Rutgers University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Ron Sadan, Large Print, Small Forms: The Birth of German Modernism from the Newspaper (Department of German, Princeton University)
Mariaenrica Giannuzzi, Politics of the Creature: Geological Figures of German Modernism (Department of German Studies, Cornell University)
Stephanie Stoeckl Redeeming ‘Decadent’ Europe: Vicarious Reparation in the Catholic Revival in Germany and France (1870-1945) (Comparative and World Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Almut Slizyk, Margarete Susman Article / Dissertation on Suspended Reading in Fiction (Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Johns Hopkins University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Karolina Hicke, Migration, Memory, and Gender in Contemporary Jewish Writing (Department of German and Scandinavian Studies, University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Courtney Rehkamp, Judging a Book by Its Cover. Marketing Prizewinning Literature (Department of German, Russian, and East European Studies, Vanderbilt University)
Eva Erber, Handbirths:Natality, Creation, and Artistic Production in Weimar Germany (Department of Germanic, Russian, and Eastern European Languages and Literatures, Rutgers University)
David Detjen Summer Research Grant
Jermain Heidelberg, Max Bense and the Notion of the Planetary (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Juan-Jacques Aupiais, Contesting German Continuities: Race, Nation & Creolization in German Literature 1918/2018 (Department of German Studies, Cornell University)
Elizabeth McNeill, Speaking (of) Animals in the Life Sciences and Literature of 20th-Century Germany (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan)
Thomas Scholz, The World Is Not Enough: Transmedia World-Building as a Diachronic and Dialogical Process (Department of Comparative Literature, Washington University)
David Detjen Summer Research Grant
Alexander Crist, A Hermeneutics at the Limits: Embodiment, Materiality, and Prelinguisticality in Philosophical Hermeneutics after Gadamer (Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Jacqueline Tackett, Experimental Literature and Science Fiction: Agency, Empathy, and Futurity in Postwar and Contemporary German Literature (Department of German Studies, Cornell University)
Niklas Straetker, Zurechnungsfähigkeit in the Long 19th-Century (Department of German, Columbia University)
AFM Summer Research Grants
Anna Mayer, Porous Fiction: Digital Surveillance and Media Representation in Film and Literature of the 1970s and 1980s (German Studies and Cinema Studies, Rutgers University)
Margaret Strair, The Dark Romanticism of the Sensorium: Synesthesia, German Literature, and Media around 1800 (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania)
Josh Lampe, The International Marxisms of Germany’s 1968 (Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Rudy Saliba, After Idylls: Ernst Jünger’s Concept of Nature (Department of German, Russian and East European Studies, Vanderbilt University)
Daniel Carranza, Morphological Poetics Between Philology and Philosophy (Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago)
AFM Summer Research Grants
Mary Hennessy, Handmaidens of Modernity: Gender, Labor, and Media in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan)
AFM Travel Grant
Matthias Müller, The Loser’s Edge: Telling Stories and Writing History from the Vantage Point of the Vanquished, 1918-45 (Department of German Studies, Cornell University)
Verena Kick, The Essay in a Time of Crisis: Reconstituting the German Public Sphere in Narrative, Visual and Digital Culture (1920s –2010s) (Department of Germanics, University of Washington)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Matthew Anderson, Text, Illustration, and Adventure in Nineteenth-Century German Children’s Books (Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin)
David Nelson, From Assembled Images to Assembled Texts: Literary Montage in Weimar Germany (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania)
AFM Summer Research Grants
Sophia Clark, Legacies of the Enlightenment: The Courtroom in German Performance (Department of German, Russian and East European Studies, Vanderbilt University)
AFM Travel Grant
Gernot Waldner, A World Without Numbers: The Absence of Quantitative Sociology in Germany and Austria during the 1920s (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University)
Lauren Brooks, Kafka’s Humor. German Reception and the (Un)translatability into the American Idiom (Department of Comparative Literature, Pennsylvania State University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Ian Alexander Moore, On Being, Method, and Ethics in Eckhart and Heidegger (Department of Philosophy, DePaul University)
Clemens Ackermann, Ernst Jünger’s Literary as well as Political Writings (Department of Comparative Literary Studies, Northwestern University)
AFM Summer Research Grant
Damianos Grammatikopoulos, “Franz Kafka zwischen den Medien. Kafka-Adaptionen in Comics und Flim” (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Rutgers University)
AFM Travel Grant
Maria Björkmann, Virtual Skins. Why Touch Screens Matter (Department of German, Russian and East European Studies, Vanderbilt University)
Anna Horakova, Mimicry as Critique. New Perspectives on the Prenzlauer Berg, Avantgarde Aesthetics, and Communist Cultures of Dissidence (Department of German Studies, Cornell University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grants
Tara Hotman, The Past as Utopia. Alexander Kluge and the Archive (Department of German, University of California at Berkeley)
Kasina Entzi, Ernst Jünger’s Der Arbeiter: Herrschaft und Gestalt (Department of Germanic Studies, University of Indiana at Bloomington)
AFM Summer Research Grant
Stefanie Populorum,Envisioning Economic Collapse. From Broch to Hayek, from Vienna to Chicago: the Strange Loops of Capital (Department of German Language and Literature, Rutgers University)
AFM Travel Grant
Christine Richter-Nilsson, Adaptation as Critique. Remaking the Classics in New German and American Theater (Department of German, Russian, and East European Studies, Vanderbilt University)
Sarah Koellner, “Reenvisioning Privacy in German Literature and Culture after 9/11” (Department of German, Russian, and East European Studies, Vanderbilt University)
Max Kade Summer Research Grant
Christina Florea, Czernowitz: City of Dreams at the Crossroads of Empires (History Department, Princeton University)
Hannes Bajohr, Man and Metaphor. Hans Blumenberg’s Theory of Language (Department of Germanic Literatures and Languages, Columbia University)
AFM Travel Grant
Facundo Hernán Vega, The Instrumental Body and the Organic Machine (Department of German Studies, Cornell University)
Jessica Plummer, Shifting Popularity: Adapting Modern Identities in Kolportage Novels 1880-1914 (Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin)